Thursday, May 4, 2017


Two benchmark WODs today, plus a weird Romanian Deadlift thing, and a warm-up WOD.  Apparently that's their new thing, lots of WODs in one day. So, for the warm up we did 3 rounds of 30 sec on, 10 sec off of jumping rope, planks where you tap your shoulder, and good mornings. Then, the Romanian Deadlifts, which is a dead lift where you don't put the barbell down between sets. Romanians tough. I lifted 65 pounds. I'm not tough. 4 rounds of 5, with planking in the middle though, it's not bad.

Diane - 21-15-9
Deadlifts (I lifted 95 pounds)
Push ups (Diane calls for hand stand pushups. I did band assisted pushups)
my time: 5 min 50 sec

Annie - 50-40-30-20-10
Double unders (I did singles x2)
sit ups
my time 10 min 10 sec.

For Annie I did all the sets, except the set of 40 unbroken with the jumprope, which I was pretty happy about. My stomach is going to be killing me tomorrow after all that sitting up and planking.

So, I found out that this year Mike Pence's daughter is graduating from Northeastern, so he will be there. Not feeling the same excitement as when LL Cool J's daughter graduated. Interestingly, Christine Amanpour from CNN will be speaking. And, all the students got flags from their country, I'm not sure if it's to bring to graduation (one of my students today said her parents were from Cambodia and Nepal, and they didn't have flags from either. Lame.)  Graduation is tomorrow.  Saturday I'm going to try for a hike or bike!

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