Saturday, March 25, 2017

(Stationary) Biking!

I was going to go to Crossfit yesterday, but there was a lot of squatting involved, and my squat muscles are still sore from Tuesday. When I looked at today's WOD I was glad. It's endurance day, with a return to running. But since I'm planning my bike trip and I hate running and am slow at it I decided to bike. And, since I hate the assault bike in the main gym, I went to the 10:30 class in the small gym with the nice spin bikes. It was good motivation.

3 mile bike (everyone else ran a mile)
30 power cleans (I lifted 35 pounds)
2 mile bike
20 calorie row
1 mile bike
30 toes to bar
my time: 27 minutes 50 seconds
Biking time for 6 miles: 16 minutes 40 seconds

The biking felt good. Boring and like my legs will need some training on it, but good!  I'm kind of psyched because the trip is now 10% off. That means I could get a single supplemental for free if I want. I'm trying to decide if I should pay for it, or risk that I will be the only single female and will just get my own room/tent.

Now that I'm on staycation, I have to look for a bike training plan. And get my bike tuned up!

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