Wednesday, March 29, 2017

First Bike Ride

I did my first training ride today. I hope this wasn't a bad idea. I went 12.66 miles in an hour and a half. I note that now I have another thing that I'm the slowest at - a number of other bikers passed me. Though, I have a sort of hybrid bike and they mostly had road bikes. I went on the bike path from my place to Trader Joes in Arlington. Once it's nicer out, there are definite possibilities for places to stop and have a snack :)  I just went straight through today though.

The longest biking day is 40 miles, which is longer than 12.66. But, I have time to work up to that. I got some new bike shorts to help my girl parts, but I think my butt is still going to feel it tomorrow. Ouch! I don't feel that tired. Will see how things progress.

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