Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Lots 'o squats

Today was brutal with the squatting, but I was pretty excited because I got up to 95 pounds on front squats!  I think that may be a new record for me, though I would need to check. I was thinking about trying 100, but I was kind of wobbly on 95 so I decided to be happy with what I had done well.

WOD: 10 rounds 15 minute cap
5 clean and jerk (I lifted 35 pounds)
10 wall balls
I did all but the last set of wall balls.

I really dislike wall balls, though not as much as burpees. I did 90 in the WOD plus I did 8 in the warm up, which is a lot of wall balls!!

I'm pretty sure that for my trip to Africa I'm going to go on a bike trip across Tanzania (it's 175 miles of biking in total). It includes the option to hike an active volcano, an option for a hot air balloon ride and safari days. A lot of the trip is camping, but I think it's kind of glamping. I mean, I don't have to carry anything, and I bet they set up the tent so we don't break them. There's also a tour of a coffee plantation, a maasai village, some of the lakes, the Ngorongoro Crater, sleeping in an African Igloo... I hope this isn't a vacation that sounds good from the couch in Somerville, but not so much from Africa....

Of course, this now means a new activity, biking. I grew up biking around the neighborhood and have always been really comfortable riding a bike. But, now that I live in the city it's not as much fun to ride. Drivers are crazy here! I have a bike, it needs a tune up. I'm on vacation next week, and so getting my bike tuned up and getting out training are on the agenda. The longest biking days are 70 km ish (43 miles). I got a lot of work ahead!  I started today at crossfit, I biked for 4 and a half minutes on the stationary bike. It was fine but boring. I stopped when class started.

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