Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Last two WODs combine

Today's WOD was a partner WOD with rowing and sit-ups! I read it and thought "seems familiar!" It was the "cool down" from the last WOD I did plus partner WOD from the one before. Anyhow, it was a good one for me, so I was happy with that.

We started with back squats. We were supposed to hold for two seconds at the bottom, which I did, but it made the whole thing harder. I got up to 125 pounds for two rounds of two! I was pretty happy with myself on that one.  I'll have to look and see if it's a new record or what.

It was a small class today, I guess because we're getting close to the holiday. At the start there were only seven of us, which meant one person was the odd person out on the partner thing (that would be me). I was doing my best fake sadness-while-inside-feeling-happy because really I don't love partner WODS. And then this guy came in like 10 minutes late, so I had a partner after all. Meh.  I was kind of sad about it, but in the end it did push me to do better, especially in the sit-ups.

WOD: partners alternate
Together row 5K
partner not rowing does sit-ups
our time 22 min 5 sec
I did 205 sit ups

My stomach is going to really hurt tomorrow!

Tomorrow is my last day of work until January 3!  I'm working from home, or actually from the car dealer because I have to get my oil changed and such. So, the plan is to get there earlier so that they will hopefully not take too long. I have a few things to do, but not much. And then I'm on vaca!  I don't have a ton of plans, climbing, yoga, hiking, a couple nights out, getting ahead on my reading for the next class. Hopefully it will be fun!

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