Saturday, December 24, 2016

Happy Hanukkah!

Once again I got myself in the position of it being Saturday and I had only been to crossfit once this week, so I had to go. The WOD had a mile of running, two 800 meter runs. I wasn't excited about it. Happily, it's rainy and cold out which I felt gave me an excuse to row - surprisingly few people felt that way, most everyone ran. Good for them, but I was happy on my nice dry rower.

First we did core work:
40 sec on, 20 sec off for 3 rounds:
plank up and overs
BB wipers (which involve holding lying on your back, holding a barbell up, and bringing your feet up to the barbell back and forth. Ouch.)
BB Rollouts (like one of those rolling wheel things for abs, but with a barbell. I can't do them well)

1000 meter row
then 3 rounds:
20 thrusters (I lifted 35 pounds)
100 jumps (everyone else did 80 doubles)
1000 meter row
my time 21 min, 21 sec

Although I am still far from being able to do double unders on the jumprope, I am happy to say that I did all three sets of 100 single jumps with the jumprope unbroken!

I have been pretty good on the exercise this week- I did yoga on Thursday and climbing yesterday. I've kind of lost some of my zing at climbing because I haven't been going regularly, but I did a 10 at Metrorock yesterday. It took a little while, but I did it!  I was happy - since I won't be hiking as much in the winter, I feel like I can get some of my climbing skill back.

My neighbor upstairs, Slam Chowder, has a kayak and she actually keeps it insider her apartment. Interesting idea. The places are pretty small, but she says it fits fine. Something to think about for after I finish my 4000 footers. Maybe my celebration gift to myself??

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