Friday, February 5, 2016


Today's workout was confusing (though I guess I've said that before). We started with a traditional sort of WOD, and then after we did an endurance part. We had the choice of rowing, air dyne bikes and this arm pulling thing. Of course I chose rowing. We had partners and took turns, so we rowed 40 calories, then 30, then 20 and then 10. 40 is a lot! It took me like 4 minutes. I was kind of beat by the end!

30 double unders (I just jumped rope 60 times)
15 power snatches
AMRAP in 10 minutes
I did 4, plus 60 jumps plus 5 lifts

I don't love power snatches.

It snowed out today - our first real snow of the winter! I was going to wimp out on going to work and work from home, but the roads were fine and I just couldn't justify it. Plus, I hadn't been to Crossfit this week, and I really needed to go.

Just saw tomorrow's WOD. It includes 100 burpees. IDK, snowshoeing sounds so much better.

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