Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Forgot to Blog x2!

I've had a cold/sinus infection for the last week, and that's part of my lack of activity, but the other part was I forgot to write down my WODS! Must have been the head thing.

Tuesday's WOD:
12 Burpee Box Jumps (I stepped)
10 Front Squats (I did 45 pounds and then 35)
2 rope climbs
rest one minute
Repeat 4 more times
My time: 21 min 6 sec

My rope climbs still suck, but this time I was able to get up 2 steps instead of the just 1 last time. So, I tried to do 2 moves up x10, but I probably got 2 moves up about 5 and just one about 5.

Last Wednesday's WOD:
100 Double unders (I did singles)
50 calories on the rower
25 push ups (I used a band)

80 Dubs (singles)
40 calories on the rower
20 push ups (w/band)

60 Dubs (singles)
30 calories on the rower
15 push ups (w/band)

40 Dubs (singles)
20 calories on the rower
10 push ups (w/band)

20 Dubs (singles)
10 calories on the rower
5 push ups (w/band)
My Time: 16 min 51 sec

After Tuesday's workout I really wanted to puke. But I didn't!

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