Wednesday, February 24, 2016

More rowing :)

I was going to go to Crossfit yesterday, but I was so tired and there were so so many burpees and pull ups I just couldn't deal. So, now I have to go two days in a row (they are closed on Friday).

WOD: 5 rounds
4 minutes:
row 25 calories
10 ring dips (I used bands. Lots of them.)
Thrusters (I lifted 35 pounds)
rest 2 minutes

Your score was the number of lifts, I did 66. They were killer!

Sunday I spent a really large part of the day on the couch. I finally got off my lazy butt at the end of the day and walked to Davis for yoga class. It's so warm out - I barely needed a winter jacket! After last winter, though, we deserve this :)

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