Sunday, November 30, 2014

13 1/3

I got 1/3 of the way through Harvard Stadium today!  Awesome!  Then I came home and at an entire frozen pizza.  Just want to be sure there's no weight loss from that apparently.  I got to the stadium and, even though it was a nice day, decided to go to the sunny side, which was section 37.  There's a metal ramp over some of the steps there, and for a moment or two I thought about running fewer steps, and was all "I'm going to start on this side from now on." But then I started to feel like I wouldn't be as happy with the workout, so I did an extra 10 steps to make up for it - I think I'll just start in section 1 in the future.  I was a little worried at section 30 when my legs were feeling like spaghetti that I wouldn't be able to top my last attempt, but then I pushed it to 28.  Then at 28 I was like, "it's 3 more.  You can do 3 more!"  After section 25 I threw in an extra 10 steps, because it's 37 sections.  I was there for almost 27 minutes, moving for most of the time, though I paused at the bottom of the sections to glare at the number at the top.  Next time, gonna try for at least 15!  Or, here's a crazy thought, maybe I'll actually run some of them :O

My foot is still sore, I've decided that maybe it's plantar faciatis, and I need to stretch it and do some PT (home PT that is.)  So, still no running.  I did spend an hour on the elliptical on Wednesday, which was beyond boring.

Yesterday I went for a hike in the Middlesex Fells and didn't get lost or see any naked people!  I started on the Skyline Trail, but then switched to the Reservoir Trail - I started a little late and didn't want to be there after dark.  All and all I went about 5 1/2 miles in about 3 hours.

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