Monday, November 3, 2014

Machu Picchu

I'm officially planning a trip to Machu Picchu for the first week of August, followed by a visit to the Amazon in Peru.  Details are still not clear at all, but I'm pretty psyched about the idea!  There's a park in Peru what you take a 10 hour bus/car ride then a 6/7 hour boat ride to get to that sounds amazing.  I really want to go.  It also sounds expensive.  So, not sure.  The plan is definitely to trek the Inca Trail, which will keep me moving and in shape.  It doesn't look easy.

Today I wound up at the gym.  Actually I literally wound up there.  Apparently I put myself on autopilot, didn't want to run outside in the dark.  To make it more interesting, I did sprints.  I started with 5 min warm up, then did 2 minutes a 6 mph, then 5.7 for a minute, then 6.1 for 2 minutes, 5.7 for one minute, etc, such that I did 10 min at or over 10 min mile.  Then I still had 10 minutes left, so I decided to do a minute slow, a minute fast and get in another 5 minutes of fast.  All together half of my 15 minute run was at or above 10 min mile!  It felt good, except that my right calf hurt a little.

Runaversary is Friday!  Should have my new sports bra and tights by then!

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