Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Old South Church

It was rainy and gross out today and so I decided to hit the gym again for a run.  The big race is getting really close, just 13 days away, so I wanted to make sure to get in my cardio.  I did treadmill fartliks, started slow because I had a bit of a headache, then bumped it up to 5.6 mph until minute 5, then did one minute sprints, with one minute rests between them.  I started with 6 mph and then 6.1, 6.2, etc, all the way up to 6.8, which once again had me going faster than a 9 minute mile!  I did 10 minutes at 10 minute mile or faster, then slowed it down some.  In the end I did 30 minutes, 5K, which is how far I always go on the treadmill.

I found a new Weight Watchers meeting that's at the Old South Church in Back Bay.  The church that we meet in was built in 1875, we meet upstairs.  It's a pretty amazing building!  And there's a baby Jesus tucked in his manger waiting for Christmas to come in the room where we weigh in.  Wonder how our forefathers would feel about it?  Anyhow, the leader was pretty dynamic, she did a good program, and it's convenient - it's at 12:15 so I can walk over for lunch.  Of course, then no more WW runs, but I can live with that.  Hope I'm down tomorrow :)

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