Saturday, October 18, 2014

Way Post-10K Run

I actually felt pretty good after the 10K race!  So good that I decided a fall foliage hike of Monadnock was in order - Wednesday was supposed to be beautiful and I am on Staycation this week, so I thought it would be perfect.  Well, apparently Wednesday was beautiful in the Boston area, but at Monadnock it was rainy and the top of the mountain was covered in clouds.  Every now and then there would be a break and it was an awesome view.  But, the way down was hell because all the granite was slipppppery!  I did a lot of butt scootching, and slow balancey crab walking.  Then I got annoyed with myself and was like "trust in your feet!" which was a huge mistake because my feet slid right our from under me and I landed on the rock on my ass and it really hurt.  So, I've been nursing a sore butt since then.  I decided today I needed to get back to running though, even if it was just a shorter one.

I went to Fresh Pond and did one lap plus an extension.  I was going to do exactly 30 min, but then I decided to do exactly 29 min, because I was back to the start point and had already been sort of jogging around.  In total I went 2.68 miles, so a little slower than my 10K time :)  It started raining when I was running.  IDK, it said it was supposed to be nice out today too.

Apparently my life has been too free of stress for the past year or so, and so I applied to the Doctoral Program in Higher Ed at Northeastern - it's an on-line Ed.D., not a real Ph.D. or anything.  "A program for working professionals" is how they market it.  I found out yesterday that I was accepted!  I hear there are a lot of papers the first quarter.  I don't know if that will make me need to run more, or cut into running time?  Well, my mom has 4 kids and only 1 is currently a doctor.  She's probably bringing down the percentages at the JCC :)

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