Monday, October 13, 2014

Tufts 10K for Women

Woo Hooo!  Totally nailed the race!  And by nailed it, I mean I ran the entire thing in one hour, six minutes and five seconds, which is a 10 minute and 39 second mile. I'm not going to lie, I was completely psyched with myself for going that fast, even though yes, I was in the bottom 40% of the runners.  But whatever, it was way faster than I expected to go.

I wound up running with this other woman from Team in Training, and I think she kept me running at that pace.  At first I was thinking it was going to be too fast, but then as I got running I realized that it actually was fine, I wasn't breathing that hard and that although I was tired I was OK.  It was pretty cool being out there with 8000 other people running, and not having to worry about stopping at any of the streets or anything.  I did pass a few people again, and of course a ton of people passed me.

Now I'm on the couch with all the free snacks that I got at the race, eating.  I'm not gonna lie, a lot of them are not that tasty.  "Simply Sprouted Tortilla chips" taste like cardboard. And that squeeze yogurt?  No.  I did finally get to try Boom Chicka Pop, and I think I'll stick with the microwaved.  Fruit Squishims? Maybe I'll hold on until tomorrow for them.

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