Thursday, October 23, 2014


We've been having a nor'easter for the last couple of days, rain and wind like crazy!  It's been so nasty out.  Today there was a little break in the action that allowed me to go to Weight Watchers at lunch (down 2 pounds!  Awesome!  Empty stomach, bladder and bowels partly to thank for that one I'm sure) but by the time work was finished it was raining out again, so I went to the gym.

It turns out that you have to pay 3x the membership fee for the classes that they're offering!  No way.  The schedule isn't even good.  I did a rather dull 30 minutes on the treadmill, mostly at a 10 1/2 minute mile.  Of course, by the end of the cool down, it was pretty much exactly 5K.

I read in an online article that running on a treadmill is less exercise than outside because you don't have to break the air. So, you should run at a bit of an incline to make up for it.  Of course, I didn't follow that advise, but it does make sense.

My two year Run-a-versary is coming up!  Craziness!!  I was thinking about new cute running tights from Athleta (surprise) but now I'm considering some new uber expensive sports bras from Athleta instead.  I have one from there that I really like.  Don't want The Girls bouncing down to the knees.

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