Saturday, September 27, 2014

5+ mile run

The alarm went off this morning for boot camp, but I decided that instead of driving all the way out to Natick to exercise for an hour I would just get my long run for the weekend over with early.  That way I wouldn't spend the entire weekend thinking about it, and dreading it.  I went to the free parking area on the Charles, there's a route there that's somewhere between 5.3 and 5.4 miles (depending on which of the paths you take.)  Today was a 5K put on by the Samaritans.  It was nice, but also sad.  Especially the groups of teenagers who were there running or walking for a friend.  It was also a Walk for Literacy day, so I ran into a bunch of people on that walk.

I wound up parking further down than I usually do, which kind of threw me a little on where I was, but on the other hand was nice on the way back.  It wound up being a pretty good run, about 5.4 miles, which I did in almost exactly an hour, which is an 11 min 20 sec ish min mile.  I really tried to pace myself so I could do the entire run, and I think I did a good job.  I was happy to stop, but I definitely could have done another .8 mile.  At the end there was all this free Samaritan water, which I felt a little guilty about drinking.  But of course the people handing it out were very nice and told me to take two!

I got all my Fitbit steps for the day already!  Last night I walked around the basketball court across the street for 700 steps to get to 10,000.  I can just see it, one day the police are going to come by to see why I'm hanging around acting so suspiciously, and they aren't going to believe the fitbit story…  I'll wind up with a fitbit record.

Next weekend I'm going to try to run the race route as a test :)

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