Saturday, October 11, 2014

Short Run

Two days until the Big Race!  I have my number, my Tufts 10K shirt (which is really pretty see thru, also I think designed by a man), and so I'm ready for the big day.  I decided to get in one last run before the race, partly just to have one last run and partly because I've been a total bum all day (and ate pad thai last night, and then pancakes. And then today I had a burger and fries.  Not really a weight watchers weekend so far.)  Anyhow, I decided to make it a shorter run, but a little faster.  I went only 2 miles, from my house, up to Ball Square and back.  I even walked up my street.  In the end it was slightly less than 2 miles, about 1.95 and it took me just under 20 minutes.  So, about a 10 minute mile. I was running a little slower at the start to warm up, and I had to pause a couple of times at roads (though not really stop), so I'm going with 10 minute mile for most of the run.  Not bad for me for a short run!

The Team in Training coach was saying that you should kick your feet back as you are running.  Which I was trying to do, and it does work!  If I was in better aerobic shape I could run faster.  Ha! I guess that's pretty much the story for everyone.  Anyhow, next entry will be the 10K - hope I can run the whole thing :)

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