Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Achille's Heal

So apparently boot camp + 5 miles = sore Achilles' Tendon.  And a few sore leg muscles too!  My left tendon was really killing after my long run, and then I went to yoga and was like, "holy crap, it's my entire leg!" So, I took a few days off to let it heal.  This past weekend I went climbing in NH at Rumney.  I didn't run, but I did carry a 30 pound pack up hill for about 30 minutes to get to the cliff on Sat, which I am counting as aerobic.  I led 6 climbs over the weekend, all very easy, two 5.5's, three 5.6's and a 5.7.  The 5.7 was the hardest because when I was over my clips there were some pretty sharp rocks sticking out, so if I had fallen it would have really hurt.  I usually am talking to myself a little in my head, but at a certain point I started talking out loud "I know you would like there to be a foothold nice and low, but there isn't, so your going to have to take a big step here.  You can do it, I know you can."  I looked over, and there was this other climber laughing at me.  Ya.

Today I decided that even though the tendon isn't at 100% I should still go for an easy run.  I went after Weight Watchers (stayed the same weight, which I was OK with because I had eaten this entire bag of Trader Joes Crack Mix - so delicious - pumpkin seeds, chocolate covered salted nuts, yogurt covered pretzels, and dried cranberries.  The intensely chatty cashier said that it's a new product - thank heaven's Market Basket has worked things out and I can go back to cashiers who say "hello" and then go back to chatting with their bagger friends in Spanish or Portuguese or whatever!)  Anyhow, I went from WW up to MIT and then up the Charles.  I didn't go over the river this time, d/t the whole bridge thing.  It wound up being 3.1 miles and it took 33 min and 43 sec, which is about a 10  min 50 sec mile. When I was almost back someone sitting at the light yelled out of their SUV "nice ass" and of course I was like "thanks!"  I'm not sure if that was the response I was supposed to give, and/or if it was a sincere complement (because "nice ass" yelled out of a car usually is bubbling with sincerity) but beggars can't be choosers.

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