Saturday, September 20, 2014

Long Run Fail

I set out to do a 4.5 mile run today on the dirt path at the end of the Minuteman bike path.  My tendon is finally feeling better, and there are only 3 weeks left until the 10K, so I decided it's time to get serious about training, without going overboard and reinjuring  myself.  So, the plan is 4.5 miles this weekend, 5+ miles next weekend, and 6 miles the following weekend, then the race the next weekend.  I think I'm going to have to try for the long run again tomorrow, in addition to boot camp.

So, today I slept in embarrassingly late, got up and was lazy drinking coffee, and then finally dragged my sorry butt out.  By the time I got to the trail it was 3:30, which should have been a good time for running.  The first mile or so went well, but then I started to need to pee.  And the area isn't so isolated that I felt like the woods would be a good idea.  And while I was running along trying to decide what to do I started to get cramps.  Meh. The one good thing that happened was that as I was deciding that I definitely had to stop an pee I came to a clearing and there was some construction and a port-a-potty! It was like the Port-a-Potty Gods knew I would need them.  Anyhow, after peeing I walked around a little to try to get rid of the cramps, and then was like "I can lie down, no one will see." So I tried for a minute or two on some of the construction rocks.  But that just made everything worse. So I got up and started walking back.  After a while the cramps went away and I slow jogged back.  Total running time was 24 and a half minutes.  Total distance with running and walking was 2.6 miles.

After I got back to my car I realized that part of the problem might be that I was starving.  It was 4 by that point and all I'd had to eat that day was a bowl of oatmeal and a yogurt.  So, I decided to go to Whole Foods for sushi (which turned into a slice of pizza and some sushi.)  There was this woman there who was walking around the store eating.  At first I was a little repulsed, but after watching her for a while I was kind of admiring her strategy.  She was pushing a shopping cart, but I bet she didn't buy anything.  And just eating stuff from anywhere.  The salad bar, fruit, I actually saw here open a container of chocolate covered pretzels and take one!  Right next to people who worked there, and they didn't say anything. That's guts.

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