Monday, August 25, 2014

Long Run

I had my first "training" for Team in Training, it was boot camp style, and kind of kicked my butt.  Plus it was at 9 am on Saturday in Natick!  I mean, yikes!!  Apparently only 2 people went to the info session that I slept through, so that wasn't a great loss, and there were only like 10 of us at the training.  It was pretty good, lots of stretches, squats, planks, etc.  All the sort of stuff that I need someone to make me do, because I just won't do it on my own.  It was a really nice day out, so after I went paddle boarding for an hour.  And then the next day my legs were killing me, so I went to yoga.

This week I'm on Stay-cation, so I could go for a run in the afternoon.  It's actually kind of warm out for a long run, 84 degrees.  So, I went on the path in the woods at the end of the Minuteman bike path in Bedford.  It's pretty much all shaded, so no SeaWorld type incidents.

I wound up running for a full hour!  Sadly, I ran out of steam at the end.  The first 45 minutes were pretty good actually, I went the first half of the run, 2.83 miles, in 31 minutes, and then turned around and ran another 15 minute.  It was about minute 40 or 45 that I started feeling tired, and at 49 I had to stop and walk for a bit.  It's OK, even elite marathoners do that sometimes in their long runs.  Then I finished my hour, and then walked the last bit back to the car.  In total I went about five and a half miles, but about half mile of that wasn't running.  Still, five miles of running in an hour, I'm counting it!  I have 7 weeks until the race, I think I should be able to run the entire thing in less than an hour and a half (apparently that's their time limit for the good swag.)

I also have to say, I notice that saying "Duck Boat" in my last posting has lead to a lot of hits.  At least, I assume it was duck boat.  So, Duck Boat!  And thank you for reading :)

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