Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Up 1.8

Long time again for running - I had a migraine over the weekend and couldn't do anything, and then yesterday I was climbing and Monday wasn't 100%.  I did the elliptical last week at the gym, which is sort of aerobic and running.  But this isn't an elliptical blog (wow, that would be seriously dull) so I didn't count it.

I had a presentation at work on Monday until 7, so I went to WW today, and then did the post run after.  I really prefer the Monday leader, he's this hilarious gay guy who's always talking about how fat he was in high school (he's like 50) and telling ridiculous stories.  The Wednesday woman is this kind of nasally Boston woman who's vary well meaning.  Meh.  (Weight was up 1.8 pounds, but I was wearing heavier pants and totally had to poop.  I gotta get my intestines on plan.)

Anyhow, it's starting to get dark earlier, no denying it.  It was dark by the time I finished, and some of those sidewalks in Cambridge are brick and a little tricky.  The run felt surprisingly good.  I did some of the Team in Training stretches at the beginning, wonder if that made a difference.  I went 3.15 miles - made it slightly longer at the end.  It took me 33 min and 41 seconds, or a 10 min and 41 sec mile, so no speed records broken, that's for sure.  Boston looked so nice when I was running on the Charles, much as running sometimes sucks, running next to the river with the city all lit up is pretty awesome.

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