Monday, September 8, 2014

On Your Left

I got a new Fitbit this weekend, which I thought would help me to track how much I move.  It turns out that I do take more steps than I realized during the week.  The parking lot is further than I realized, and I walk up three flights of stairs to get to my floor.  And, numerous trips to the bathroom.  It gives a little silent vibration to let you know when you've reached 10,000 steps, which for me today was at the Cambridgeside Galleria during my run.  A part of me was like "must be finished then!" but of course I didn't stop.

It's getting dark earlier, so I did my run before Weight Watchers (down 1 pound, but post run and a little dehydrated).  I kind of like the new route, and I think it's sort of a good habit to run with WW.  I got to the Charles and there was this woman running kind of slowly, and I thought I might be able to pass her, and got all excited about it.  But then it turned out that I couldn't.  No real shocker.  There were a few congested areas, and lots of people on them yelling "On your Left!" trying to pass.  I guess my music was a little too loud, they sounded kind of annoyed.  Ooops.

Sunday was the second Team in Training boot camp. A kind of weird thing happened - we were running in loops around this building (.22 mile loops according to map my run) and I was in front on all of the loops, first for one of them.  The time I was first, I kept waiting for someone to pass me, but no one did.  And then it started to weird me out, and I thought about slowing down, but then decided I needed to grow beyond middle school.  Go me!

Anyhow, today's run was 3 miles, 31 min and 23 sec.  So, like a 10 min 30 sec mile.  For a little while I felt like I had that pace thing going, but then I got tired.  Maybe more treadmill practice is needed.

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