Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Passed another runner!

It was such a beautiful evening today, perfect for running on the Charles, by the Esplanade.  Everyone in the world was out there, running, walking, biking, whatever.  The bridges were so crowded, though it did give me and excuse to slow down a little.  On the Mass Ave bridge was where I passed the runner, around Smoot #150, a woman who looked like a real runner, but kinda wasn't.

I love fall in the City, the sail boats were all still out, the sky was such a pretty color, it was a perfect temperature for a run.  Still, I was feeling really tired and hungry all day, and not super energetic.  I wound up doing a longish loop, 3.65 miles, but in 40 minutes.  So, it was an 11 minute mile.  As I was getting to the end I imagined I was running the 10K, and was nowhere near done, and I thought I could keep going.  But I was glad that I didn't have to :)

Today Team in Training sent out the race registration form.  It's so close!  I made my fundraising goal, which I was pretty psyched about.  Hopefully I will raise additional fundage, a couple other people said that they would donate but haven't yet.

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