Saturday, March 30, 2013


The first flowers are out and I even saw a butterfly while running today! Hurray, I love spring! I decided to try for a full 5K today since its the weekend and since my last few runs have kind of sucked. I ate kind of close to running, but I wanted to go before it was dark out, even though I was a little worried about The Great Enemy, cramps. There was a lot of burping and farting, I'm not gonna lie, and a little cramping, but not too bad. I did 5K in 31.58 which is 10:11 minute mile or 5.9 mph. I seem to be getting a little faster, and it feels good when I'm not running up too much of a hill (when I'm not about to keel over from cramps.)

First outdoor climb of the season tomorrow! Can't wait to see my little quarry.

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