Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Post Race Run

Short run today, 2.33 miles which I did in 24 min and 4 sec or a 10.20 minute mile. It was painfully slow, and just painful. That's what I always say, though. My plan for the evening is yoga, so I did decide it was ok to slack a little and cut the route short.

Scores are posted for the Big Race! 32.42, which is a little slower than what I got.  That's a 10.32 minute mile. If hadn't lied about my age I would have been #156 of 320 in my class. Of course, since I'm so vain, I was #625 of 991. First half of my real age! I'll take it :) (even if I won't take the age.)

New Pope today. I run past this convent of Carmelite nuns. I wonder what they were doing inside. It was kind of fun to watch the pageantry and pomp, and all the priests in Rome acting like they were waiting for the Beatles to get off the plane.

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