Monday, March 18, 2013

Running Like the Devil

I broke the 10 minute mile outside today!!  How unbelievable is that? I only had time for my short loop, 2.32 miles, and I was feeling ok once I got up the hill, so I pushed it on the downhill parts. I did 2.32 miles in 23 min and 10 sec, which is a 9.57 minute mile. And I had to stop and adjust my headphones during the run, so it was really a tad faster :) Go me! Now if I can repeat that on the non downhill parts, and over a longer duration....

Of course, after I went and undid all the benefits of it by eating this totally amazing Morrocan food, and having 2 martinis. So good, and it's Restaurant Week, so you kind of have to go. They had a belly dancer there, and low couches, and downstairs hukkuh (which I didn't have.)  Belly dancing is probably a hard way to make a living. I'm crossing it off my list.

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