Saturday, March 16, 2013

Gym again

It's the middle of March, it should be getting warmer! But, we are in the middle of a cold spell, so I went to the gym again, probably could have run outside, but I needed to lift anyhow.  Good run today! I went 2.9 miles in 30 min, about 6 minutes at 6 mph, and the bulk of it at 5.8 +! I was feeling pretty awesome at 20 min, which is why I upped my speed to 6, but by the end I wanted to puke a little. Anyhow, I did 3.2 miles in 35 min, and was impressed by myself.

The race organizers had photographers at the event. I didn't realize that these folks would email me with pics that I could buy. I guess it's a thing. Anyhow, apparently when I run I look like crap! And when I finished I looked like death. Gonna save the $15 on that. Hopefully at the Dirty Girls run there will be better, muddier pics.

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