Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Less than a week to go!

I realized today that daylight savings time ends (begins) on Sunday at 2 am, and the race is Sunday at 11 am. #1 I'm glad I realized this today instead of Sunday at noon. And #2 that means my race is effectively at 10 am! And then we have to go for booze right after. Well, the booze part is ok at any time.

Ran the 2.9 mile loop at home today in 30 min, which is about 10.34 minute mile. If that's what I do on race day, I'll be happy. This route does have more uphill. I love gravity. Downhill is much better for me. I was in a mood before I started because the bloodsucker from the condo association filled out the form incorrectly. But I actually feel better after running! Yay runner's high.

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