Thursday, March 28, 2013

Passover #2

I recently read on about ramen restaurants in Boston, so of course I had to try them. It's practically impossible to eat there! I bet it's easier to get a reservation at Mistral than to get in to the raman hole. I tried 4 times and they were closed, had a long line and I was starving, or had a long line and it was Sat night and I was embarrassed. So, I finally got in - pork ramen, quite delicious, though actually a little too salty for me. But I still had a large bowl (this place was awesome, cash only, no take-out, no doggie bags, one big community table and the counter by where the cook is. They serve two things, small pork ramen and large pork ramen. Or, more accurately, large and ginormous. I mean big enough that the waiter was congratulating everyone for finishing.)

I waited for two hours to go to the gym to run, but I don't think it was enough. I did well for the first 15 min, but then got crampy and had to slow down at the end. I still did 2.75 in 30 min, 3.0 in 35, so it's not like I was crawling, but it was a little pokey. Then I lifted weights super hard. We'll see if I get any muscle.

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