Sunday, September 4, 2022


I heard on NPR that the geriatric set is all doing pickleball now, so I thought I would go try it out. I went to a beginner mixer in South Boston, just a couple blocks from where I used to to crossfit, and I have to say that I liked it! I haven't played a racket sport since college (when I got trounced by one of my suite mates at racketball every week), but I do have good hand-eye coordination, so I thought it might be fun. And it was! I wound up partnered with this kind of nerdy guy, but we won the first set and then no further ones. It turns out that I can hit the ball, but I have no control of direction.

Today I went and bought myself a racket and a bunch of balls, and I'm considering going outside to practice (except that it's like 90 out). My racket has a dragon on it - so GOT. The guy who taught the class told us about this scheduler thing, and I signed up to play a game on Thursday. My first official game.  

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