Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Great Blue Hill

I finally finished 50 face masks to deliver to my mom's place! It took forever for the elastic to arrive, and then I think I made some of them too short. But today they were finished! I decided to take them down after work, and while I was down there go for a hike in the blue hills. Today was sunny and warm, totally hiking weather! I drove down the expressway to get to the blue hills right around 5, and was driving 60 mph. That's crazy! Usually you sit in traffic, it would take an hour and a half, today it took 30 minutes.

It was amazing being outside and hiking. Although I have been going to the fells, and the rock circuit trail is a little up and down, I hadn't really been up a mountain in a long time. According to the interwebs, the great blue is about 690 feet tall (I guess that's not really a mountain), but there's a lot of up and down, so it's over 700 feet of elevation gain. Which is respectable.

I tried to use what I've learned from parkour to be more efficient at stepping on the rocks, and going downhill without having to say "trusting your feet, one step ahead" the whole time I went down. I was somewhat successful. I'm trying to decide what to call it: hiking with parkour? Parkour stepping? Using your parkour? Parkouring? I feel like "using your parkour" makes it sound a little like a super power, so I might go with that.

Yesterday I went for 1.75 mile run. I really didn't want to, but I did pretty much nothing on Sunday, and Monday I didn't leave my place at all. So... I mapped a new route that is reasonably flat and mostly goes on side streets, though it does go on the bike path for a block. It took me about 18 minutes, something like a 10 minute 30 second mile I think, which I was pretty happy about. I was also happy to stop running. That's not really so far to run, but I don't think I could have motivated to go further.

Work is getting more serious about the furlough discussions. The new executive director (who started April 1, what a way to start) is trying to say that we are all critical and should be kept, but I'm not sure anyone is buying it. It sounds like there is talk about dropping everyone down to 80% (which I could live with, though I wouldn't love) or ??? I don't think she's going to be able to get away with keeping everyone at 100%, though maybe I'm wrong. We are supposed to find out in the next couple of weeks.

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