Thursday, March 22, 2018

Non-noreaster day

Today was supposed to be the third 'noreaster in three weeks, but it was so lame. No snow day, I had to go to work. Boo.  On the other hand, I did get in my second crossfit, which I definitely wanted to do today. And, I was super excited because it was a rowing day!

We started with these funny "elevator" front squats, where you do a front squat (of course), come up a little bit, then go back down, and then go up. They were actually kind of fun!  I got up to 65 pounds, which I did for 2 rounds.

WOD: 3 rounds
750 meter row
20 kettlebell squats (I used the smallest)
20 kettlebell swings
my time 19 min 14 sec

That's a lot of rowing!

Tomorrow I have my first performance evaluation with my new boss. I'm a little nervous about the whole thing. Cause what will he give me as goals? And, will that be some signal if they might possibly be considering me for a permanent promotion? So stressful.

Then Saturday I have my first welcome day presentation, and it's in a room that seats 1000. I bought a new outfit for it - a friend and I went for two dirty martinis and then went shopping. It was fun, way more fun than the presentation will be.

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