Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Death by Burpees

One burpee is too much, so the 59 I did today was beyond too much. But, I did them, go me!  It was a killer burpee workout, but I had to go because tomorrow I'm working late, Friday I'm going climbing and over the weekend not sure. But if I do today and Thursday that will be good.

The warm up was death by burpees. It's 30 second intervals. In the first 30 seconds you do 1 burpee. In the second you do 2. In the third you do 3. I got up to 5. The best that someone did was 9, but that was just crazy!  In my 5 sequence, I just did 4, so that = 24.

For strength we did squat clean and jerk, and I got up to 75 pounds, which I was pretty happy with!  I started at 35 pounds because I never can remember what I lift, and I was saying to the coach that I couldn't remember, and she looked at me like I was nuts. Like "How can you not remember what you lift for a clean and jerk??" What can I say?

WOD: 21-15-9
Hang cleans (I lifted 55 pounds)
burpee lateral jump
my time: 9 minutes 8 seconds

My boss stood me up for my performance eval, so no idea how I did. I wonder when it's due, I think soon. Not that anyone pays any attention to them, except when they're bad. On the bright side, the presentation was fine. There were probably 400 or so people there, I started a little shaky, but by the end felt totally fine. I didn't leave much room at the end for questions, so no one could ask anything that I didn't want to answer, and that worked out just fine :)

I'm taking Friday and Monday off, cause I need a few days. Super excited! Going climbing with my brother at on Friday and I'm going to try to hike Tecumseh on Sunday or Monday.

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