Monday, March 19, 2018

42 box jumps!

I was a box jumping mad woman today!  It was crazy, it was just like I could do them with no problem, which it turns out is fact, I can do them with no problem once I get out of my own head. The first few I did the little hop thing at the beginning, and a few I psyched myself out and wound up on my knees on the box. But once I got going I did 10 in a row 4 times. Plus two to warm it up. Go me!

Last week there was another 'noreaster, and then they had the Friday thing, plus I had to work Saturday, and blah blah blah, so I froze my membership for the week. Because I didn't want to keep only going once a week. This week they are predicting more snow for Wednesday.  I hope I can still get in on Thursday - I have to work again this weekend, which will be killer. I'm only doing one day, otherwise it would be 18 days in a row, which is too much.

Anyhow, I left work a little late today and got stuck in traffic right by work. I was a little nervous that I wouldn't make it (and a little hopeful, who are we kidding?) But I got there pretty close to on time.  I missed about half of the warm up, which was OK because there were burpees involved. Yuck.

For strength we worked on snatches, my least favorite lift.  I lifted 35 pounds. I kind of got the lift right, but at 35 pounds, meh.

WOD:  10 minute AMRAP
10 power snatches (I lifted 35 pounds)
10 box jumps
I did 4 rounds and 2 snatches

OK, gonna stop procrastinating and work on the dissertation for a little bit.

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