Thursday, March 29, 2018

Deadlifted 175!

BOOM! Go me!

We had deadlifts today for strength, 3-3-2-2-1-1.  I did a little more than just the prescribed amount, I started at 100 then added 10 for each round which got me up to 150. Then I was like, let me just do 170, which I did! And then I thought I could do a little more, so I did 175, which I think is a personal record for me :)  And, then I did it again.  So, I dead lifted 175 2x.  I think I might have been able to do a little more, but I was out of time. And I was happy with what I did.

WOD: 3 rounds
120 jumps on the jump rope - after 1 round my right knee started hurting for some stupid reason, so I did 400 meters on the ski erg for the second 2 rounds.
30 sit ups
20 kettlebell swings (I used the smallest)
10 ring dips (I used a band and they were still pretty bad)
my time: 16 min 42 sec

It's my long weekend!  I'm so excited. Tomorrow I'm going to sleep in a little, go climbing, clean, and work on Drogon, plus it's the first night of Passover. So we will hear about the exodus from Egypt.

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