Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Turned in the Penultimate Paper!

Last night I uploaded the second to last paper in my doctorate! Of course, the last one is a biggie. My dissertation. After I uploaded the paper I started my dissertation journal, set up some rules for myself, like I have to work on it an hour a day, 5 days a week (I'm making the assumption that many days I will get caught up in what I'm doing and work more). Also that I will respond to criticism like an adult, and make changes. Adulting. Hard. And I gave it a name, I decided to call it Drogon after Daenerys Targaryn's largest dragon in Game of Thrones. That would make me Khaleesi, Queen of Papers. I'll have to work at accumulating my titles. Or at writing the paper, one of the two.

Today's workout was full of partner crap, and somehow my partner seemed to know my name. WTF? I swear I've never seen her before. Anyhow, we started with this long lifting series, of which I did 20, starting at a PVC pipe for 2 (not impressive) then 18 more ranging in weight from 35 pounds to 45 pounds - 1 power snatch, 1 hang squat snatch, 1 overhead squat.

Then we did a lot of rowing. I mean, a lot. It was a taking turns thing:
1000 meter row
750 meter row
500 meter row
250 meter row
my time about 12 min

while your partner rowed you got to rest. That's a lot of rowing!

OK, time to do my Drogon hour. Working on the beastie. Dracarys!

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