Sunday, November 19, 2017

Ran a Mile!

My entire body is sore from the return to crossfit last week, and so I was kind of thinking of taking a day off today, but then realized that's not the best plan. I have to work late tomorrow, I'm doing a Tai Chi class on Tuesday. Thursday is Thanksgiving, and I may hike Cannon on Friday. Which doesn't leave a lot of days. Wednesday and Saturday. And today's WOD had running, but only 200 meter bursts, and nothing that I couldn't do. So, I dragged myself there.

When I left home it was so gross and nasty out, raining and windy, that I thought I would be able to row instead of running. But by the time we were doing our warm up it was nicer, and by the time we were doing the WOD about an hour later the sky was completely blue!  Though, it was still really windy.

We started with a warmup that was three rounds of running 200 meters, alternating with stationary biking. Then we did strict presses in the same combo as Thursday: 10-8-6-4-2. Strict presses are hard, so I started at 35 pounds and worked my way up to 50 for 2. I had enough time that I did 2 sets of 2 at 50 pounds at the end.

WOD: (Partner WOD, one exercises, the other rests)
10 calorie bike (well, it said 12, but I started with 2 rounds at 10, then 2 at 8)
200 meter run

With the warm-up of 3 rounds of running 200 meters and the WOD running 4 rounds of 200 meters, I was just 200 meters short of a mile, so after my last turn, while my partner was biking I made myself go out and run again. It was tough, but I was glad I did it because then it was a full mile!

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