Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Mt. Major, my most climbed mountain!

After all these 4000 footers, Mt. Major seemed really really easy. It turned out after the last hike that I wasn't totally exhausted because I was a bum, it was because I had a sinus infection. I don't think the hike helped it. Anyhow, I decided that I would do Mt. Major as a way to ease back into hiking and exercise in general.

I like that you can sleep in a little with Mt. Major. I got up at 10. Left at 10:30, was on the mountain around 12:30 ish. It took a little over an hour to get up to the top. When I got there, there were THREE school buses in the parking lot. I was sad. But, I had driven all that way, and it was a beautiful fall day, so I headed up. Fortunately the three bus loads of kids were on their way down. It was actually kind of entertaining to hear the little snippets of conversation as they went by.  And, by the time the trail got narrower they were gone. Yay!

When I was almost at the top, this small plane buzzed really close to the mountain. It kind of freaked me out!  I think they were going in low towards Lake Winnipisakee.  There was someone up on one of the ledges with a drone taking pics of himself. You really can't get away from technology anymore.  But, the view was amazing, and the walk down was really nice - I took a longer and more gradual route down. Total hike was only 3.9 miles and it took 3 hours total, but that's with stopping at the top, and several stops due to the large masses of kids.  Still not breaking any speed records.

It's now been a full month since I froze my crossfit membership! I can feel the difference. I have to go back - next week when staycation is over, I'm gonna hit the box again. And, it's gonna suck.

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