Saturday, October 29, 2016

Jumped on the Box!

In one of the gyms, the one that I'm not usually in, they have a more cushioned box to practice box jumps. Since I went to the regular levels class today because I couldn't get my lazy butt to the 10:30 class, I realized I had time to practice some box jumps on the soft box. And I actually did some!!!  It took a few tries of not getting it - the first try I freaked out half way and landed on the box on my knees, which was embarrassing because there was a guy there who was all "are you ok, are you ok?" Then, I pulled it together, did a little two foot hop first, and jumped up!  I was so excited I did it!!  I did it two more times, with the two foot hop to get a little momentum, but whatever. Now I know I can do it, I just need to work on technique.

The WOD today was a hero WOD, which means it was particularly brutal.
WOD: 10 rounds (I did 8 because I was seeing spots out of my left eye)
100 meter run
10 burpees (I only did 6)
100 meter run
10 pull ups (I did 6 with bands)
rest 30 seconds
my time: 24 min 46 sec

It doesn't look so hard, but it really really really was.

The class that I'm taking this quarter has 4 case studies. I was almost done with the study that's due for this week, just one more page to write, and I went to look at the readings.  None of the readings had anything to do with the case, I was so puzzled. Then I realized that I'd done the wrong case! Sometimes I am such a flake! On the bright side, I then went and did the right one. And now case #3 is almost done. So, closer to done....  Once this class is done I have my elective and the research classes. I'm thinking I will start the research classes in January and then either take my elective in the summer (which I know I said I wouldn't, but I might) or take it next winter....  I don't want to be in the hardest research class in the spring when I'm writing all my letters at work - even I can only spend so much time writing.

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