Saturday, October 22, 2016

Double WOD

Two WODS today, and the warm-up was kind of like a third WOD. It was intense.  I'm so out of shape after my six weeks off, I did level 1 on both of the WODS, and a little less on the warm up. And, at the end I was seeing spots and kind of needed to puke!

Warm up: 12-9-5
Front squats with just barbel (I lifted 15 pounds)
Burpee box jumps (I did 9-5-3)
Front lifts

WOD 1:
21 front squats (I lifted 45 pounds)
20 ring rows (everyone else was doing rope climbs)
15 front squats
16 ring rows
9 front squats
12 ring rows
my time: 8:20

WOD 2: (3 rounds)
400 meter run
15 burpee box jumps
my time: 17:40

The second WOD was supposed to be 4 rounds, but I couldn't manage the last one, it was killing me! I decided that even with just 3 I had done a good workout, and could call it a day. Especially since I was last, and everyone else had done 4 rounds and still finished ahead of me. It was the damn burpees that did me in!

I recently applied to be a mentor though Big Brother's Big Sisters and on Thursday I finally met my mentee! Our first meeting seemed to go pretty well, we will meet once a month and then connect once a week via email. I'm pretty psyched about it, finally I get to be the Big Sister!

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