Sunday, September 25, 2016


I got hike number 21 done today - Whiteface. After Owls Head, I wanted to do a nice one, and I thought this fit the bill. It's only like 7.5 miles long, it's one of the lower ones (4020 feet) and it has really good views from the top. Also. my research said that there was a lot of exposed rock on the top, which I always like.

I went up to NH for the weekend for my friends Greta and Eric's wedding. It was really nice - they got married on top of Chapel Ledge which is one of the places they climb a lot. The guests stood, and they had laid out rope for the aisle. After, my friend Kerry and I walked down - there were shuttle busses but it was really nice out.

Anyhow, today I really wanted to get in another hike - after the Owls Head fiasco I got another cold and actually had to stay home from work for a couple days. Plus, when I went climbing with my brother for that last time I hurt my back.  I've been so pathetic!  So, I was like "I gotta get off the couch and stop being such a slug."  I kind of wished I'd eased back in a little more, this was hard!

The first part was a gentle climb and I was thinking it wasn't going to be so bad. Then it started to go up, and for a moment I thought about giving up and just going to the outlets. But I stuck it out.  There were some pretty relentless uphills.  There were some really nice rock ledges that I loved. Some of them were almost like climbing! Probably like a 5.2 or so, but no rope and I was 3 miles from the road, by myself.  Getting to the top, I wasn't totally sure if I was there, but then I went further and it went down, so I was there.

I stayed at an airbnb. I didn't totally love it - you're at someone else's house. So, it's kind of weird. The woman who owns the place made me breakfast, and it was really good. But, it's not like a restaurant - I told her 7-7:30 for breakfast the night before, so she got up then, so I had to...  Because otherwise I would have felt rude. Even though you are paying to stay there, it's still someone else's home...  I would do it again, but hotel first. Or, if I was traveling, like Cuba!

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