Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Back to Crossfit with Christine!

I'm definitely feeling better, no excuses for not going to crossfit. Today's WOD was a tough one, but all things I kind of like - rowing, deadlifts, box jumps (steps). No running, no snatches, no 80 wall balls, no handstands...  So, I went back!  I'm pretty sure I will be sore tomorrow, but it was actually really nice to be back - who would have expected it?

WOD: Christine
3 rounds
500 meter row
12 deadlifts (I lifted 83 pounds)
21 box jumps (I stepped)
My time: 15 min 34 sec

WOD 2:
1000 meter row
100 sit ups
10 minute cap

I got to 89 sit ups. Couldn't quite finish, and I am sure I will feel like someone punched me in the stomach tomorrow. But, it felt good to be back sweating and doing and exhausting workout and pushing my limits.

I just set up a snapchat account for my work - it's where the kiddies are, so I guess that's where I should be too. Sending out snaps tonight to my sister and my neighbor upstairs (Slamchowder) it was so fun - of course I did some cat snaps :)

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