Monday, October 24, 2016

115 pounds back squat!

I was pretty excited with today's WOD, lots of rowing with clean and jerks in between. Like a delicious Oreo  :)  And, I'm pretty happy with myself for having already done one workout on Monday!

First we did back squats to one max.  I was able to do 115 pounds with pretty bad form!!  (Two exclamation points about 115 pounds, not about the bad form)  I think 105 pounds I did with reasonably good form, which I was pretty happy with.

1000 meter row
20 clean and jerk (I did 35 pounds)
1000 meter row
my time 13:43

It took me pretty much exactly 5 min both times to row 1000 meters. I did a little lighter weight on the clean and jerks because my legs are still sore from Saturday.

My nephew got engaged this weekend!  It's exciting, and she's really a perfect match with him. I remember when he was just a little butt in the NICU though. I feel so old.

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