Sunday, February 28, 2016

Past two guys running!

OK, I think it was one of the guy's first day at Crossfit, but I passed him twice :) I thought I could pass him, and I confess it made me run faster.  This other guy was running pretty slow too, and I passed him once! I think he was pretty new too.

Kettle bell swings
Toes to bar
100 meter sandbag run
My time 15:58

I actually did a few toes to bar!! I was swinging and thought "I bet I can do this!" and then I did. I felt pretty awesome about myself.

We also did push jerks - I got up to 75 pounds x 3.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Passed a guy running at Crossfit!!

It was an amazing day out today, apparently it got up to almost 65! Of course, it was also raining for most of the day, so I didn't really go out and enjoy it, until Crossfit. They had us run outside, and it was so nice that it almost didn't suck.  We just did a short warm up run, 200 meters, and then worked on snatchs, which are the lift that I am the worst at. I sort of get them a little bit sometimes. But only with uber light weight.

Snatch (I lifted 35 pounds)
Double unders x5 OR run 100 meters
My time: 12 min, 40 sec

I decided that since I can't do double unders (though I did one today! Giant journeys start with small steps.) I would run. One of the coaches said we could alternate running with jumping, but I felt like that would defeat the purpose. Because the double unders were a count down and the running was always the same, so the first ones were shorter for running than jumping, and you had to make up for it later.

Anyhow, I was running, and on the last round this guy ran out just in front of me, and I PASSED him! And stayed in front of him. It was kind of awesome.

Total running = .75 miles. Total people passing me = about 20. People I passed = 1.

I just finished reading 165 self assessments at work, and giving each applicant individual feedback. Sometimes I don't love my job so much.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

More rowing :)

I was going to go to Crossfit yesterday, but I was so tired and there were so so many burpees and pull ups I just couldn't deal. So, now I have to go two days in a row (they are closed on Friday).

WOD: 5 rounds
4 minutes:
row 25 calories
10 ring dips (I used bands. Lots of them.)
Thrusters (I lifted 35 pounds)
rest 2 minutes

Your score was the number of lifts, I did 66. They were killer!

Sunday I spent a really large part of the day on the couch. I finally got off my lazy butt at the end of the day and walked to Davis for yoga class. It's so warm out - I barely needed a winter jacket! After last winter, though, we deserve this :)

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Gap Mountain to Mt Monadnock

Last night I impulsively added a meet-up hike for today. There were only four people signed up, which is rare for a meet up hike, and it sounded nice. Plus, there was another Cindy hiking, when does that happen?

It was a tough one. There were three guys (one of whom I learned is a trail runner, to give perspective) and the other Cindy was fast, and turned around after Gap Mountain. So, I was in my Crossfit position of last. I don't think I ate enough before starting the hike, and I ran out of steam at about 12:30 (maybe half way into the hike.) We had to stop early for lunch because I was starving :(

Other than that, though, it was a really nice hike. It was a beautiful day out, like 45 degrees and sunny! There was some snow/ice on the ground, but nothing too serious. The other people were really cool. One even worked at the Market Basket, and talked about the Battle of the Arties. So interesting!

According to Google Earth the hike was 7.46 miles, 2428 feet of elevation gain and 5 hrs 15 min. According to my fitbit it was about 9 miles and about 4 hrs and 30 minutes of actual hiking. One of the hikers made the point that when you look at a map it's flat, but when you are hiking you are covering more distance than the flat miles, due to altitude gain. So, fitbit may have an account of actual distance when you count how many more steps you are taking going up than you would if you were walking on a flat surface. I like that idea.

My legs and feet are killing me.

Thursday, February 18, 2016


Today's workout at Crossfit was uber row-y, but that's cool with me. It seems to be the one thing that I'm any good at. Sometimes I think I should start rowing for real on the Charles, but then I get a grip.

It was a long one:
@ 0:00
1000 meters of rowing (I did 900 cause Coach said to)
50 sit ups
@ 7:00
1000 meters of rowing (I did 800 cause Coach said to)
40 Power snatches (I did 30 at 35 pounds)
@ 15:00
1000 meters of rowing (I did 800 cause Coach said to)
30 toes to bar (I did 30 knees to chest)
@ 22:00
1000 meters of rowing (I did 800 cause Coach said to)
20 Overhead squats

The whole thing was a little confusing to me. But, in the end I figured out that I rowed for about 15 minutes. I had about 30 -45 seconds to rest at the end of each round. And my form was pretty crappy, except for the sit-ups which I could do.

I was pretty psyched because I wasn't last!

Last night I went to the Banff Film Festival. There were some really amazing athletes in the movies - my favorite was about this photographer who wanted to take a photo of skiers going past a solar eclipse. The eclipse was up in Svalbard, which is in the arctic circle. The photography was so amazing, the skiers were awesome, the story was suspenseful (a little), there were polar bears, and a lot of snow. Plus, all the guys in the movie were characters. After the festival, I was like "I'm sore after 60 burpees, IDK how they can do it!"

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Forgot to Blog x2!

I've had a cold/sinus infection for the last week, and that's part of my lack of activity, but the other part was I forgot to write down my WODS! Must have been the head thing.

Tuesday's WOD:
12 Burpee Box Jumps (I stepped)
10 Front Squats (I did 45 pounds and then 35)
2 rope climbs
rest one minute
Repeat 4 more times
My time: 21 min 6 sec

My rope climbs still suck, but this time I was able to get up 2 steps instead of the just 1 last time. So, I tried to do 2 moves up x10, but I probably got 2 moves up about 5 and just one about 5.

Last Wednesday's WOD:
100 Double unders (I did singles)
50 calories on the rower
25 push ups (I used a band)

80 Dubs (singles)
40 calories on the rower
20 push ups (w/band)

60 Dubs (singles)
30 calories on the rower
15 push ups (w/band)

40 Dubs (singles)
20 calories on the rower
10 push ups (w/band)

20 Dubs (singles)
10 calories on the rower
5 push ups (w/band)
My Time: 16 min 51 sec

After Tuesday's workout I really wanted to puke. But I didn't!

Friday, February 5, 2016


Today's workout was confusing (though I guess I've said that before). We started with a traditional sort of WOD, and then after we did an endurance part. We had the choice of rowing, air dyne bikes and this arm pulling thing. Of course I chose rowing. We had partners and took turns, so we rowed 40 calories, then 30, then 20 and then 10. 40 is a lot! It took me like 4 minutes. I was kind of beat by the end!

30 double unders (I just jumped rope 60 times)
15 power snatches
AMRAP in 10 minutes
I did 4, plus 60 jumps plus 5 lifts

I don't love power snatches.

It snowed out today - our first real snow of the winter! I was going to wimp out on going to work and work from home, but the roads were fine and I just couldn't justify it. Plus, I hadn't been to Crossfit this week, and I really needed to go.

Just saw tomorrow's WOD. It includes 100 burpees. IDK, snowshoeing sounds so much better.