Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Officially Training

I went for my first Machu Picchu training hike on Sunday, 6 (and maybe a quarter) miles in the Blue Hills, but not in a hilly part.  Which was a good thing, because it was a pretty fast pace for me.  We did the hike in 2 hours, with a couple of stops (just water stops, and a quick port-a-potty break.  I can never resist a good port-a-potty.)  I'm going on another this Saturday that's about the same distance, six miles, but I think a little hillier.  It has waterfalls, so I guess we will stop some?  Both are meet-ups, which are great because you don't have to plan, just show up an follow like a pack mule :)

Today after work it was so nice out!  A little windy, but sunny and warmish, the trees are all flowering, the sky was blue, everyone was out running on the Charles.  I did the Mass Ave to Longfellow loop.  I got almost the exact same parking spot as I got last time I did that loop, which was exciting.  I had to parallel park in some kind of crazy traffic, and this pizza delivery guy in the car next to me was directing me a little, it totally cracked me up!

Anyhow, I was thinking I would make my loop longer, and go to the Museum of Science, but I think I jinxed myself, because then I got all crampy again.  Boo.  I did the same thing as last time, stopped running, and walked a little before I wanted to curl up in a ball and die.  And then I started running again at the Longfellow bridge.  It was so nice out, and everyone was so happy to be outdoors, it was actually pretty nice to be walking for a bit and enjoying the day.

Total distance 3.52 miles, total run distance, 3.07 miles.  Running time 33 min and 07 sec which is a 10 min 47 sec mile.  Certainly slowed down by impending cramps :)  (Not really, with all the millions of people out running, I didn't pass a single one.  At least no walkers passed me.)

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