Friday, April 10, 2015

Did I run fast today?

So, I may have broken a record for me!  Or, maybe I stopped my watch at a light and didn't start it again until the next?  I did the loop from my office again today, up the Southwest Corridor, through Copley, down the center of Comm Ave, past the Summer Shack (wind was in a different direction today so no smells), through the Christian Science plaza, and then back to NU.  There was some big hockey event at the arena, big college honors being given out apparently.  As I got to Mugar and stopped running I bumped into (not literally, fortunately) President Aoun and his court of bigwigs.  He was all "looking good!" and I was like "hhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhh" trying to breathe.  I was pretty beat at the end.

Anyhow, on mapmyrun it's exactly 3 miles and according to my watch I did it in 29 min and 15 sec which is a 9 min 45 sec mile which for me is crazy good!  I'm not totally convinced that I actually went that fast, because it felt pretty slow when I was running and I did have to stop for traffic a few times (which I quite enjoyed).  There was this one guy who fleeew past me on at one point, and then waited to cross the street while I took a different way so I wouldn't have to stop (see, I don't intentionally stop for traffic).  Then a few minutes later he passed me again - which made me feel super slow.  I would think that my watch battery is just dying, but my last run was so slow :)

Sadly, my tendon is pretty sore again.  I have an MD appointment in two weeks.  If it's not better I may ask to go to a PT.  Meh.

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