Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Went back to the free parking section of the Charles. It was so nice to go there today, it was all spring-like outside!  Everyone was out, running, walking, training their dogs.  Lots of people passing me. I passed walkers. >sigh<  So, for my run I went a total of about 3.3 miles in 36 min and 46 sec, which is like an 11 minute mile.  Slow, but it was windy out, and I was running into the wind on the way back, on the long side.  Plus, I really didn't want to go for a run, so I get props for going at all.  It felt about the same as the last run I did, the super speedy one.  Weird.

So, for one of my classes I was randomly put into a group with this uber annoying kindergarten teacher woman who's always like "yippee skipee! we can do it!!" I'm not sure I can handle it.  Also, she said that she spent 20-30 hours a week on her coursework last quarter, and that's excessive. I'm thinking about dropping the class and just taking one class at a time.  It would take longer to finish, but I would have to take this summer off, and it would be more manageable.  I think taking two classes is making me cranky.

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