Friday, May 8, 2015

Spring is here

Did my second Machu Picchu training hike last weekend. The Meetup posting said it was 6 miles, but my fitbit said I had walked 9.  We were walking for about 5 hours with a few breaks, so I'm guessing maybe 8?  It wasn't the fastest hike ever, more downhill than up (big group so we were able to park cars at the end), and one of the hikers got sick mid-route and vomited (not me, thank heaven, that would suck).  It was in western-isn Mass, really nice trail with waterfalls!  I'm doing another hike tomorrow with the same group at Pawtuckaway in NH that also looks pretty nice.  It looks hillier, and maybe 10 miles?

Even though I'm hiking tomorrow, I still had to go for a run today.  It's the 8th and I hadn't been yet this month. Lame! I did my little loop at home, which it's been forever since I've done. It's much hillier than what I've been running, which I guess is good for me to do.  I was puffing away, though, that's for sure.  In the end I did 3.1 miles in 32 min 37 sec, with a couple pauses for traffic (which of course I enjoyed) which is like a 10 and a half minute mile.  It felt like I was running really slow, so I was glad to map it out and see that it wasn't that bad.  Of course, I walked up my hill in the end.

It was graduation today at work. Sadly, no LL Cool J this year, but we had David Muir.  He's some news dude who I'd never actually heard of before.  He was good, though.  Then I came home and took a nap :)

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