Tuesday, March 31, 2015

One More in March

I was feeling very lame about my March running, so I decided to squeeze one more in.  Sadly, I'm feeling no better about it now.  I am on stay cation this week.  This time last year I did my Krapalu week, not doing that this year, but I decided that a yoga week would be really good for me.  So, I went to a new yoga studio where you get two weeks for $25 when you are a newbie.  Perfect!  It's in Davis Square, so the plan was to run to Davis, do the hour lunch yoga, and run home.

I did a slow run there.  I think that it takes me a little while to warm up, and when I start running I am running slower, then I pick up the pace in the middle.  It would be interesting to do some interval timing on a longer outdoor run to see if this is true.  I'm not sure how I would do that, I'd need a couple watches maybe?  I ran 1.7 miles to get there in 19 minutes, which is an 11 + minute mile.  I feel like the first 5-10 min are warm up, then I get faster.  Maybe I'm just kidding myself about that, though.  Anyhow, yoga was awesome.  I felt great at the end.  But not totally like running back.  I ran 5 minutes of the way back and then was like "Meh, it's a nice day out.  I've exercised.  24 minutes of running counts."  And I walked the rest of the way home.  A little lame, but it was a really nice walk.

I don't think I will follow this plan again because I did stop running just as I was in the groove of things.  And because I had to pay $1 to rent a mat (OK, that doesn't exactly break the bank.  But still!) And the mat was super slippery - I thought I was going to go from down dog to broken nose.  Also, there's this totally amazing bubble tea place in Davis now, can't get bubble tea and run.  It's kind of pricy, but if I'm not renting a mat....

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