Friday, March 13, 2015

Losing :/

I was doing really well in my quest to beat my boss, but then WHAM, mega migraine on Sunday.  I call my poor sister who came and took me to the ER, this time the BI.  I believe I have had a pretty thorough tour of ER's now, and liked the BI.  Larger than Somerville, much smaller than The General, bed was reasonably comfortable.  And, they had copies of my medical records so they didn't waste time making me pee in a cup.  And, apparently when I go there my doctor calls me for a follow up.

Anyhow, end result is I did barely any steps between Sunday and Tuesday, and am now 30000 behind.  That may be hard to catch up on, unless she just sits still for 3 days.  In an effort to catch up I decided to hit the gym today.  I did a slow run, 5 mph for the first 15 min, then up to 5.5 mph for the second 15 min.  Only 2.8 miles at the end of 35 min, so I walked a little more to get 5K.  Stewart was on, really funny.  Can't wait to get back outside, thought.

You can't win all the time.  You can't win all the time....  Serious hike planning for this weekend.

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